What You Need To Know About: Nutrition & Mental Health

It is common knowledge that dietary choices play a large role in maintaining good physical health, but can these choices also impact your brain? According to research studies, dietary choices can affect your mental health.

What exactly is the link between nutrition and mental health?

Numerous studies have shown that nutritional deficiencies and poor mental health are linked. This provides compelling evidence that nutrition is a significant factor in mental disorder prevalence.

Can a nutritional deficiency cause the development of a mental disorder?

Studies have only confirmed that nutritional deficiencies have a link to mental health. Simply put, nutritional deficiencies can increase the risk for developing a mental disorder, but they do not directly cause mental disorders. For example, research has shown that there is an association between healthy eating and a reduced risk for depression for all ages. It has also provided evidence that children and teens who regularly eat healthy meals are less likely to develop anxiety.

Can a nutrient-rich diet be used as a mental disorder treatment?

Although a nutrient-rich diet certainly would have its benefits as certain nutrients have a connection to brain health, at this time, it cannot be used as a primary treatment for mental disorders.

It is recommended to take nutrient supplements?

While it is highly recommended that you consume meals that provide your daily serving of nutrients, some people may struggle to reach the suggested daily amount. In this case, certain nutritional supplements may be helpful, but it important to consult with your doctor before taking supplements.

To browse Urban Balance’s Nutrition Resources, click here.

Pedersen, T. (2015). Diet, Nutrition Closely Linked to Mental Health. Psych Central. Retrieved on April 19, 2015, from http://psychcentral.com/news/2015/02/02/diet-nutrition-closely-linked-to-mental-health/80661.html


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